1. https://github.com/Mayank0255/Stackoverflow-Clone-Frontend
- Front-end Framework: React.js (with Redux)
- Styling: SASS and BOOTSTRAP
1. https://github.com/Mayank0255/Stackoverflow-Clone-Backend
- For handling index requests: Node.js with Express.js Framework
- As Database: MySQL with Sequelize
- API tested using: POSTMAN
2. https://github.com/ValeryKorzhavin/stackoverflow
- Java 12
- Spring Boot 2
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- PostgreSQL
- Liquibase (for migrations)
- JUnit for testing
- Thymeleaf as a template engine
- Project Lombok
- Mapstruct
- Twitter Bootstrap 4
- JQuery
- Built with Maven
- Deployed on Heroku
1. https://github.com/salihozdemir/stackoverflow-clone
- ReactJs
- NextJs
- Storybook
- PostCSS
- NodeJs
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
2. https://bestofreactjs.com/repo/salihozdemir-stackoverflow-clone-react-react-apps
- ReactJs
- NextJs
- Storybook
- PostCSS
- NodeJs
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
3. https://github.com/amand33p/stack-underflow(개성있게 바꾼 버전)
- ReactJS - Frontend framework
- Apollo Client - State management library to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL
- Context API w/ hooks - For state of user, toast notifs, theme etc.
- React Router - For general routing & navigation
- React Hook Form - For flexible forms
- Material-UI w/ lots of CSS customisations - UI library
- Yup - For form validation
- date-fns - For manipulating & formatting of dates
- Node.js - Runtime environment for JS
- Apollo Server - To build a self-documenting GraphQL API server
- MongoDB - Database to store document-based data
- Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling for Node.js
- JSON Web Token - A standard to secure/authenticate HTTP requests
- Bcrypt.js - For hashing passwords
- Mongoose Unique Validator - Plugin for better error handling of unique fields within Mongoose schema
- Dotenv - To load environment variables from a .env file
4. https://github.com/Shashankd48/stack-overflow-clone
- Vue
- Next.js
- Node
- React
- React-native
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